Products manufactured by Erich Krause are strongly associated with advanced technology and high quality worldwide. Industrial design and production technologies are developed by the German company Erich Krause Deutschland GmbH, which is part of the group. Its developments were awarded with Red Dot Product Design - the prestigious prize in the sphere of industrial design, which is given by the Institute of Design in Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The functions of Erich Krause Deutschland GmbH include manufacturing licensing and control over the execution of technologies. Also, operating and own manufactoring companies of the holding are located in Hong Kong, Panama, Finland, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Russia.
The group has 3 logistics hubs in Latvia, Panama and Russia. The warehouse area is more than 30000 m2. The automated system of address multilevel storage and management of warehouse operations (WMS) is introduced in all warehouse terminals. Warehouse terminals produce the necessary additional packaging and labeling of goods in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the country of sale. Erich Krause operates in 50 countries.