
58 PENS • ERASABLE GEL INK PENS, ROLLERBALL PEN Erasable gel ink pen ErichKrause ErgoLine® Magic Stick&Grip 0.5 Erasable gel ink pen ErichKrause ErgoLine® Magic Ice Stick&Grip 0.5 10 120 1440 47981 S 10 120 1440 48010 S • the pen has the ergonomic triangular grip area with the seats for proper thumb and forefinger position • the pen has the ergonomic triangular grip area with the seats for proper thumb and forefinger position 0.4 mm 300 m 0.4 mm 300 m T I P F I V E I N K C H A N N E L mm 0.5 T I P F I V E I N K C H A N N E L mm 0.5 Individual Barcode Individual Barcode StandardTip StandardTip Rollerball pen ErichKrause Marathon Stick 0.4 мм 1200 м Free Ink Technology 62111 S NEW 12 144 1728 62109 S NEW 12 144 1728 Individual Barcode StandardTip F O R W R I T I N G B E T T E R S P E C I A L G R I P F O R W R I T I N G B E T T E R S P E C I A L G R I P STANDARD PREMIUM PREMIUM